"I’ve lost count of the number of graduates who have served me my Cappucino at my local Costa"

"I’ve lost count of the number of graduates who have served me my Cappucino at my local Costa"

An increase in job opportunities but a significant lack of skillful candidates means that the UK will be left with a huge employment gap post BREXIT.

What solutions can we offer?

Firstly, The UK needs to CHANGE and AMEND the curriculum for some subjects. Time and time again we’ve seen hordes of young people graduating with impressive degrees but without any relevant experience.  Not only does this make it harder for employers to hire UK graduates but it forces many graduates to undertake jobs that they’re overqualified for. I’ve lost count of the number of graduates who have served me my Cappucino at my local Costa. This has happened to me far too frequently that it’s no longer funny anymore just disappointing that so many graduates are falling at the last hurdle.

A Business Management degree should consist of half theory and half practical. Engineering graduates should not be leaving university unable to use a kettle. And no this is not hyperbole I have actually witnessed this first-hand. Psychology is another course that leaves students jobless after university.
WHY? Because they lack the RELEVANT EXPERIENCE.

The CHANGE and AMEND movement can also be applied to our schools.  We need to bring back WORK EXPERIENCE week. I have spoken to so many young people and many of them have expressed to me how difficult it is to find a summer job because yes you’ve guessed it. They have no RELEVANT EXPERIENCE. With schools not offering tailor-made work placements, young people have nothing to put on their CV’s to apply for jobs. Given that this is widespread we’re doomed to see more young people hanging around town in their socks and sliders.

We need to be doing so much more for young people. Schools need to start educating their pupils about savings, mortgages and how to build a good credit rating for long-term investments. A key change I’m championing is introducing an Entrepreneurial scheme into schools. This will allow students to think and learn about starting a business and how they could turn their talents into a business such as blogging, gaming, makeup or music.

BW x

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